Friday, December 26, 2008

CC7 - Estonian Commitocracy

After several months, it is here. CC6 part 1 has gone to the vault where CC3 lies. CC7 is a kick ass death machine of an album. At only 30 some minutes, it's tight as hell. Enjoy.

1. Black Man
2. Estonian Commitocracy I
3. It's Alright to be Cool
4. 23
5. Orcus
6. four14teen
8. Ghettotech(no)
9. Requiem for Pudgemuffin
10. Estonian Commitocracy II
11. The Sea
12. Ames Stradivarius


Friday, December 19, 2008

First 3 Hydröfish demos

Since the old link seems to be not alive and the other 2 have never seen the internet

Hydröfish Demo
1. fiish
2. Fish Funk
3. Bubblewrap I
4. Bubblewrap II
5. Bubblewrap III
6. Your Parents Don't Love You

1. Hydröfish
2. Deluxe
3. Bubblewrap / Your Parents Don't Love You [Live Medley]

1. Fuck the Trees
2. Bluesfish
3. Fuck the Trees [Session Take]
(This demo features Adam Sebert and Fernandes Harlee)


Hydröfish - fishV

Y'all already know what it is, frosty, poopy, addy addy!

1. Sexual Racialization Psychologisting
2. Larabee Song / Stick the Foreigner / Ballroom Blitz
3. Patrick Fucked a Duck
4. Fuck the Dutch
5. Ultimate
6. Pissduster
7. A Tribute to Dr. Rockso


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Stuff That Will Be Up Here This Month... Maybe

CC1: Demo '07
CC6 part 1: Nuclear Piss
New Memory Envy

CC7 is in the works